Mother’s Day is just another day.

Mother’s Day is around the corner. Do you celebrate? Does it bring joy to you when you think of Mother’s Day? Does it bring anxiety, sadness, or anger?

The many holidays throughout the year stir up so many emotions. I admit I used to put a lot of weight on the day. I better feel loved with pampering, gifts, and food. But, with lots of self work I’ve realized it’s just another day. Sure, it can be an opportunity to celebrate your mom, yourself, or other mama’s. A reason to love on the people you love most in this life. Send a card or give sweet gifts. I love giving gifts and receiving. Gifts are one of my many love languages! hehe.

Still, it’s just another day. The weight I used to put on it…the expectations left me frustrated because it wasn’t the fairytale fantasy I made up in all the romantic movies and tv shows I filled my mind with.

To feel love. To feel special and cherished doesn’t have to happen on the designated Mother’s Day. It happens all throughout our lives in different ways in the day to day.

This past weekend I spent my time with my family investing in our home with planting and doing yard work. It was so sweet! That was such a gift to get that time and to be with my family. It was exhausting. But, it was special in it’s own way. We each have the choice to look at our lives with joy and gratitude even in the depths of hardship. Or we can choose to only see the imperfections. As we all know there are many we could dwell on!

All this to say…if Mother’s Day isn’t some romanticized day in your life…it’s normal. It’s okay. There’s joy in a regular Tuesday afternoon. There’s special moments in a Friday morning before work. Those moments are what should fill us up.

All the little moments are what truly matter. No certain gift on the second Sunday of May. No certain activity on the second Sunday of May.

It’s also a good reminder to love those who have the dream of motherhood. How selfish it was of me to feel expectations for gifts or treats when I do have the gift of motherhood…children.

This day can be so painful. A reminder of what some so desire but, for some reason do not have.

My prayer is we all seek joy in the day to day. So that when a holiday like Mother’s Day comes we feel that much less swayed by the day and that much more faithful in the life we have as a whole.

So whether you’re a mama of a child, children, a dog mom, mama to be, never want to be a mom, or praying for a baby to come it’s always a good idea to care for ourselves and focus on our lives as a whole instead of depending on specific holidays to fill our cup.

If that means a walk, coffee with a friend, a trip to Target for your favorites, or a moment alone in stillness; I pray you take the steps to give yourself exactly that. Not relying on others. But, ourselves for seeking joy so that we may be more present in what is real and find the joy in what is reality.

With that I wanted to share a few of my favorites! Nothing like a quick Target drive up for a couple special goodies to share with a mama who is praying for a babe. For a mama who’s precious one is in Heaven. Or for yourself!

Most of these are my favorites! Some I do not have but, would love to have…like the books. I don’t have any of these but, thought they’d be a great addition to your life or a loved one!

  1. Essie nail polish is my favorite! The top coat is amazing and the color I shared is called “Bahama Mama” felt it was fitting for this month!
  2. Love me some good quality chocolate! Dropping off a goodie and card to a friend is always a fun way to love someone. Or do a drive up for yourself and while your at it add a bouquet of flowers to the mix! Fresh flowers always bring me joy.
  3. Being Frenshe is my new favorite brand! I am obsessed with the Bergamot cedar scent. The brand is by Ashley Tisdale. There’s no fragrances which I am all for! Scented with natural ingredients!
  4. I have so many of the “Little Words Project” bracelets. Sometimes a single word can change our mood when we take the time to recognize it. Wearing it on our wrist is a fun and cute reminder
  5. The Burt’s Bees cuticle cream is so smooth and luscious! I keep it next to my side of the bed and apply before falling asleep every single night.
  6. Target pajamas are always so soft. I will say after about a year they definitely wear out and aren’t quite as soft. But, for the price point getting a year out of cute jammies sounds good to me!
  7. Self care books are a great way to implement joy and gratitude in your life. To implement peace and joy in a daily basis regardless of how a holiday turns out.
  8. Sound machine. Falling asleep to soothing sounds is always a nice change of pace. I love a good rain fall, forest sounds, or waves crashing.

Target goodies:

Cheers to you friend! You are a beautiful woman made perfect regardless of any holiday.

Sending you all my love.


  1. Lisa C.
    May 12, 2023 / 2:44 am

    Beautifully said; love your post!😊

    • maccarose
      May 16, 2023 / 6:22 am

      Thank you so much Lisa, means so much that you took the time out of your day to read. I hope you had a lovely weekend, dear friend!

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