Vacation looks for your next trip + a joke or five

Vacation looks for your next trip + a joke or five

It’s that time of year when vacations are on the mind and being booked! Whether it’s a staycation, trip to Europe, tropical, or rather a summer of hanging out around your town… either way it’s so fun to wear matching sets! I’m a sucker for sets and summer is a fabulous time to let them shine.

Abercrombie always offers amazing set options. Mix and match and play with the pieces to create the perfect look for you.

If showing your midriff isn’t your thing it’s always an option to pair the shorts, skirt, or pants with bodysuit or fitted tank tucked in.


I am wearing size small in all looks. The only size I might switch up is the black linen shorts. They are a bit loose. Sizing down would offer a more secure fit.

Shop looks:

A joke or five

What does a cloud wear under his raincoat? Thunderwear

What do you call two birds in love? Tweet hearts

How are false teeth like stars? They come out at night

What did one volcano say to the other? I lava you

How do we know that the ocean is friendly? It waves

hehehe! These are cute right?! Perfect little smile givers!

I love listening to podcasts. Do you?

When working out I either listen to podcasts or music. This past week I was listening to Jana Kramer’s podcast, “Whine Down” This particular one she shared handful of jokes she was looking up for her daughter to take with her to school. They were hilarious. The perfect dad jokes. It was lighthearted and gave me a good laugh.

Lately, I’ve sought out lighthearted podcasts. Kaitlin Bristowe’s, “Off the Vine” is another favorite. I usually get a good laugh out of her podcast. Both, podcasts can get heavy or go deep. But, I love that. It’s like a true friendship. There’s lots of laughs, some tears, moments when you go deep and moments when you just need to laugh about poop! I can’t help the shit makes me laugh! Pun intended. hehe.

Another podcast that has been a great place of support in my life is the Mindset Mentor. I can get down on myself and could use a pep talk to remind me of how strong I am, what I am capable of. This is one I listen to when I am down on myself. But, lately I have been in a rhythm. When I am in a good rhythm I don’t need a pep talk. It’s interesting the things that scare me the most…diving into my brand and building a career through my love of fashion; I am actually conquering my fears, thriving, and don’t need those pep talks as much.

Being too afraid to start something; to speak it into existence has caused me to fear life. I feared failure so greatly that I dwelled in doubt. I let doubt feed my soul and sat stuck in sadness. Never taking a chance on myself. Do you know this feeling? Are you too one who let’s the fear of it all take hold of you? Or are you a go getter; always believing in yourself? Somewhere in the middle? I so admire those who unabashedly believe in themselves. Thriving on their courage, determination, and confidence!

Something I think struggled to truly feel on the inside for most of my life. While I would have loved to always felt sure of myself, never stumbling on who I am or what I am capable of…that isn’t my story. I spent so many years living in a hamster wheel because I didn’t know how to be brave the way I am now. Sure, I was brave in ways. Brave to live in states never near my family raising babies alone with no family near by. There was bravery. It’s important to recognize our weaknesses and strengths in all stages of life. But, I think it was out of necessity. Only brave when I was forced. Never brave by my own choosing.

As I am figuring this all out with you in this very moment I realize the happiest I’ve ever been is when I am stepping out with fear and facing it head on. Taking one step at a time and pushing myself beyond my limits with each baby step.

Deciding I am going to build a career in sharing my deep love for style is scary as hell! I only allowed it to be a hobby in the past. It was less than a year ago that I confessed my dream job to Nick and decided to actually go for it.

It’s been through this scary journey that I am more myself. More happy. More intrinsically happy and clicking play on the joke podcasts. I’m able to need less of the mindset podcasts and more of the dad jokes because therapy has become diving into my business. Therapy doesn’t look like the mindset mentor these days. Maybe it will in a month or two and I will need it for a while. Who knows!

But, the epiphany is…I think the more we actually dive into our truest passions the more we feel alive. The more therapeutic our time becomes in the day to day. Letting the scary things become our action guide. The blueprint for what we should be doing!

Lean into the scary things. Grow through them. Thrive through them. Find new scary things and let life be a light! Fail..yes, but that’s the growth piece! I was stuck in fear and wouldn’t allow myself to fail. But, in not allowing failure I didn’t allow growth either. This affected my relationship with myself and others. I was trying to protect myself. But, in that desire for protection it was actually a detriment to my life as a whole. Exact opposite of what I was trying to achieve!

It always blows my mind how our instincts for fight or flight can be the exact opposite of what we truly need! We want someone to stay close so we suffocate them. Making them pull away more and more. The opposite of what we actually want. We want safety so we live in fear. But, the true safety comes in pushing past it and realizing our strength. Being strong breeds safety. We learn our strength and that actually makes us feel safe not hiding out!

This week’s life update was tough for me. I wasn’t sure where I was going with it. I knew I wanted to share some jokes! But, the way it evolved. I hope it resonates with you. I hope it reaches your soul and tugs at whatever scares you. Is it the passion your pushing aside? The broken relationship that needs mending? A conversation that needs to be had? A change in your habits- like sleep, eating, exercise, etc. Whatever it is…you know it. It’s nudging you and me. Yet, we ignore it because it’s scary. But, I live by anything worth having doesn’t come easy! It’s just so dang true.

Cheers my dears! Happy Tuesday. I hope this ramble sesh speaks to you. Be sure to leave a comment with thoughts, questions, ideas! I want to hear from you.

xo, Macca Rose

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